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25.07.17 6598


25.07.2017 in our cattery was born 5 kittens (rudy, blue, favn) from unique and inimitable pair: sir Largousier Gipsy King and dam Largousier Angelina.
30.04.17 6379

WCF World Show 29-30.04.17

My girl Largousier Florence both days got EX1, CACJ and Best in Show in category kittens 6-10 months. I am very proud and I say many thanks to all judges who appreciate us.
29.08.16 7245


29.08.2016 in our cattery was born six kittens (3 rudy, 3 blue) from unique and inimitable pair: sir Des Cavalier War Amulet and dam Largousier D'Jessica.
08.07.16 7232


06.07.2016 in our cattery was born four kittens from unique and inimitable pair: sir Des Cavalier Adrian and dam Largousier Angelina.
21.03.16 6740

CFA SHOW in Tallin 19-20.03.2016

My Queen Largousier D'Jessica at CFA Show in Tallin (Estonia) 19.03.2016 - 20.03.2016 close Champion title.
07.12.15 7093

Baltic Cup 2015 in Riga

My girl Largousier D'Jessica both days got BIV; BIS (Best in the Category) and BOB2. As well as we were nominated for the Baltic Cup. I am very proud and say many thanks to…
13.07.15 7025


13.07.2015 in our cattery was born single Ruddy female form sir Tijah Energon and dam Shadeaby Amony.
28.05.15 7243

Kittens litter "D"

27.05.2015 in our cattery was born four Ruddy kittens from sir Enjoy of Wonderlife and dam Largousier Angelina.
06.12.14 7168


My Queen Largousier Angelina at CFA Show in Tallin, (Estonia) 29.11.2014 - 30.11.2014 close Champion title.
23.09.14 7072


22.09.2014. in our cattery was born kittens from sir Tijah Energon dam Shadeaby Amony. Tow boys - Sorel and Favn.
18.08.14 7077


My Boy Tijah Energon at FIFE Show in Tallinn, Estonia (16-17.08.2014) got last CAGCIB and has become Grand International Champion. My Queen Largousier Angelina at FIFe Show…
16.06.14 6856

FIFe show in Saulkrasti

FIFe Show in Saulkrasti 14-15.06.2014 Largousier Angelina get: 1 x CAC; 1 x CACIB; 2 x BIV; 1 x NOM BIS and close CH title.
06.05.14 7029

WCF SHOW IN RIGA 03.05.214-04.05.2014

At the world WCF show my girl Largousier Britney Olive both days got the title "Best kitten 3-6 month" and 3rd places in WCF kitten ring. Many thanks to the judges.
16.03.14 7026

WCF show in Riga

08.03.2014 Inter Champion Tijah Energon received CAGCIB; BIV and get BIS Nomination 09.03.2014 Inter Champion Tijah Energon received CAGCIB and get BIS Nomination


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